Influence of cultivation on spatial variability of soil total phosphorus in sandy land.
The contents of total cell wall matter and cellulose negatively correlated with leaf thickness in low phosphorus soil.
Total phosphorus of surface soil had a significantly positive relation with PSD.
Results show that there exists some regularity for the amount and distribution of soil total phosphorus in the profiles.
Total nitrogen and total phosphorus in tobacco field soil were determined with a Skalar flow analyzer.
Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, available nitrogen had middle spatial correlation patterns.
The total and effect content of soil phosphorus in infield layer are higher.
The results showed that straw application increased crop yield, soil organic carbon accumulation, soil total nitrogen and phosphorus content as well as phosphorus activation.
Analyzing the organic matter, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Fast working Kalium, Fast working Phosphorous, total salt quantity and ph value of the main type of soil in Linze county.
Contribution rate of the organic matter and kalium upon latent soil benefit was the biggest, and total phosphorus 'was the least.
The content of total candy showed a tendency to reduce, behaved obviously on the medium phosphorus soil.
No significant difference was found in the soil total phosphorus and potassium between different vegetation community, which might be determined by the sediment deposition in the Dongting Lake.
Results showed that there were no significant differences in soil total organic carbon, soil moisture content, pH and soil microbial biomass phosphorus in each soil layer between the two plantations.
Soil total potassium content, soil available phosphorus, soil total potassium content and soil available potassium, Their variation is not obvious.
Ginger specific humic acid fertilizer increased the soil organic matter content, total nitrogen content, available nitrogen content, available phosphorus content.
The biggest influence to soil organic carbon density was organic carbon content, the next was total nitrogen, and content of soil available phosphorus was also influenced soil organic carbon density.
The biggest influence to soil organic carbon density was organic carbon content, the next was total nitrogen, and content of soil available phosphorus was also influenced soil organic carbon density.