In order to study the straight and circular curved track stability of each vehicle in the train set, a mathematical model of vehicle system with 17 freedom degrees was set up.
Service Pack 1 did a lot to improve the stability and reliability of Vista, Cherry said, and he thinks Microsoft wants to stay on that track with Windows 7.
Their discussions underscored the need to track OOT stability data, associated issues, and potential statistical or other approaches to establish OOT alert limits.
讨论强调了追踪oot稳定性数据的必要性,相关问题,以及确定OO T警戒限可以使用的统计学方法和其他方法。
The key of the ballastless track lies in the structure strength, lateral stability, stiffness uniformity, elastic buffer and durability.
The framework adhering to the wall is used to adhere the guiding track to the building wall, to meet the demand of guiding track framework and stability.
The Galant's wide, 61.8-inch (1570 mm) front and rear track endow this broad vehicle with superior stability and control.
Based on the analysis of the data, I provide ballast's longitude and lateral parameter for the stability analysis of frozen jointless track.
And this stability allows investigators to track the goings-on in cells and tissues for longer intervals than can now be achieved.
The analysis has been concentrated on parameters such as stability, lateral wheel track forces in curve and wheel wear indices.
The simulation results show that the adaptive Kalman filtering algorithm can track the maneuvering target, and it is characterized by high accuracy, good stability and quick convergence.
And it is also similar of stability of overturning and derailing between titling train negotiating curve and traveling on level track under the effect of not so big crosswind.
This system can recognize and track different sea-surface and aerial objects, and transmit miss-distance to main computer in real-time to enhance the tracking stability.
With advanced technique of integral platform in weighing track, the platform is simply in structure and with good stability.
Track fusion systems with high stability, reliability and easy implementation have track association and track fusion as their key contents which are the kernel of system architectural design.
At the same time dynamic model bank is applied to establish models bank without the prior system information. The closed-loop system stability and track error convergence asymptotically are proved.
The parameter adaptive law is formed, we adjust the parameters to make sure the density of spruce aphides and their predator track the ideal trajectory, the stability of the system is guaranteed.
The simulation results also show that the running stability of the vehicle system under the resilient track conditions is better than that under the rigid track conditions.
The non linear moving stability of cars on resilient track is researched with the car track coupling dynamics theory.
To ensure safe and stabile running of both passenger and freight trains on the same line, the relationship between train running safety and stability and track irregularities must be studied.
The variability of weather and climate is a cause of considerable stress to CWR track which has influence on the stability of rail.
The high speed running of train needs smooth and stable foundation of track undersurface . It means that a high quality of stability for the settlement is needed for high-speed railway.
According to results of track test, the paper analyzed thickness's impact on dynamic stability and rut depth in track test.
The text discuss the high temperature stability of asphalt mixture, and explain how to consider high temperature stability by inspection resistant track ability in formation design.
Double-block ballastless track applied on PDL is a new track structure. It is a low maintenance durable track structure with high stability, high geometric regularity and uniform track stiffness.
The experimental result shows that since the method can track the targets whichever have partial defects and size variation stably. Its stability in tracking infrared targets is improved.
实验结果表明,该方法对部分缺 损及大小变化的目标都能够实现稳定跟踪,提高了红外目标跟踪的稳定性。
The caster angle of the front hubs effects the straight line stability of the car and the way it reacts to different track conditions.
The caster angle of the front hubs effects the straight line stability of the car and the way it reacts to different track conditions.