The first station is expected to be installed off Lynmouth in Devon shortly to test the technology in a venture jointly funded by the Department of Trade and Industry and the European Union.
That will scarcely impress workers who, the same day, heeded a call by the biggest and most militant of Italy's trade union federations, the CGIL, to hold a national one-day strike.
The European Union and Colombia and Peru concluded negotiations for a free-trade agreement.
The US trade shortfalls with the European Union and Japan widened in February.
The European Union has been at the forefront of cap-and-trade policy.
Mr Papandreou wants to avoid direct confrontation with his trade union supporters, but the need to re-establish fiscal credibility ought to have come first.
The European Union has played its part by enforcing internal competition rules and promoting a multitude of free-trade deals.
Germany was pressing to treat the European Union as a whole, which doesn't have the huge trade surplus that German does when treated separately.
Neighbouring South Korea has negotiated free-trade deals with the European Union and the United States, and Japanese industry fears being left behind.
Under a trade deal with the European Union called GSP-plus, Sri Lanka's garment exports (its second-largest source of foreign exchange) enjoy duty-free access to the EU.
She was the one who administered the drip because the other nurse, who was more experienced, had to go to the emergency ward, " a trade union spokesman said. "She was still learning."
You would be making history as the first trade union devoted to reducing its members' income.
You would be making history as the first trade union devoted to reducing its members' income.