You're listening to Steve Sawyer of the Global wind Energy Council, a trade association that represents the wind industry at the international level.
Travel is on the slow side, despite the trade wind, but we are generally making some 40 miles a day.
This crescent-shaped ridge of sand dune in Oman was formed by strong trade winds that form a smooth hill facing the wind (left) and concave slipface on the back.
It was due to this limitation that the great trade wind sailing routes around the world were developed centuries ago.
Insulating rubber plastic was used for thermal insulation in the pipelines of AC water, AC wind and ventilation systems in Zhongguancun Science, Technology and Trade Center Project.
I'm tireder than I have ever been, he thought, and now the trade wind is rising.
The trade wind is a kind of natural cold source in spring, autumn and winter.
It was shaded by tall coconut palms that were bent by the trade wind and on the ocean side you could walk out of the door and down the bluff across the white sand and into the Gulf Stream.
By using dynamical and numerical methods, several response modes of tropical ocean to the southern Asia monsoon and the Pacific trade wind forcing are discussed.
In the Late Teniary and Quatemary the climate systems of China and Australia have become increasingly linked due to the monsoon and trade wind circulation patterns across the equatorial region.
In the Late Tertiary and Quaternary the climate systems of China and Australia have become increasingly linked due to the monsoon and trade wind circulation patterns across the equatorial region.
The trade wind cell is, on the average, confined to 30 degrees poleward of the equator.
The trade wind cell is, on the average, confined to 30 degrees poleward of the equator.
The US Trade Representative recently announced an inquiry into China's green technology sector, which will include investigations into rare earths policies, wind and solar power.
He's mad, "said Buckland in as low a voice as the northeast trade wind would allow."
Right now it's a cool south Pacific trade wind double overheads at the big spots...
The trade wind cell is, on the average, confined to30 degrees poleward of the equator.
The trade wind cell is, on the average, confined to30 degrees poleward of the equator.