The final step is to realize value by selling some or all of your stock either in a trade sale or to public market investors if you have done an IPO.
European bank shares trade at well below asset value, suggesting that investors expect their balance-sheets to suffer significant write-downs in future.
When other countries must acquire your currency to trade, and must keep your money in reserve to protect the value of their own, your securities sell at a premium.
Occasionally, despite laws that forbid trade in fossils of scientific value, less scrupulous dealers have been known to sell dinosaur fossils.
Right after the instantiation of the process, it sets the PIID value in the trade SDO, as shown in Listing 4.
But in a letter released on Wednesday, Obama said China's huge trade surplus with the United States is "directly related to its manipulation of its currency's value."
Besides, bilateral trades grew relatively faster with several emerging markets, such as South Africa and Brazil, each with an increase of 107.1% and 57.7% respectively in trade value.
In January 2009, bilateral trade value dropped 21.6% year on year. The gravity and speed of the decline are unprecedented indeed.
The U.S. trade surplus with China in services has grown 36% every year, and the overall value of U.S. export services to China exceeded $16 billion last year.
The bank reckons that the value of world trade (which is also affected by price and exchange-rate fluctuations) fell slightly in November.
"I believe that the trade of critic, in literature, music, and the drama, is the most degraded of all trades, and that it has no real value," Twain writes.
Figures from the World Bank, which track the value rather than the volume of trade, point to a deceleration in the final quarter, not the acceleration that the CPB's data suggest.
Since his interest lies as much in the aesthetics of the objects as in their scientific value, museums are often willing to trade beauty for science, to the advantage of both sides.
The resolver will connect to the DB2 database and execute the query, passing in an appropriate data value for the query's parameter marker (the name of the referenced entity in the trade).
解析器将连接到DB 2数据库并执行查询,在此过程中,会为查询的参数标记传入一个适当的数据值(即交易中所引用实体的名称)。
However, People's Bank of China adviser Fan Gang writes in the China Daily that any adjustment to the value of the yuan must not damage China's crucial export trade.
If your current lifestyle is not in alignment with these principles, then you might trade a value-based map for a principle-centered compass.
There are complaints in India that many of its exports to China are largely low-value commodities, while trade in the opposite direction consists of high-volume manufactured goods.
Almost 8 per cent of India's exports go to China. But, to the former's chagrin, most are low-value commodities, while trade in the opposite direction is dominated by manufactured goods.
To get our trade deficit down, however, we need to make American products more competitive, which in practice means that we need the dollar's value to fall in terms of other currencies.
The depreciation of some 25% in sterling's trade-weighted value from mid-2007 had kindled hopes that an export boom and an import slowdown would bolster GDP growth.
自2007年以来英镑已贬值大约25%,这一情况让英国对一个事实重燃希望- - - - - - -出口繁荣与进口降温将推动GDP的增长。
As for what you should do if you accept the premise that inflation is afoot, it's pretty simple: Trade your dollars, which are declining in value, for stuff that appreciates in value.
The value of world trade will collapse much more because of the fall in commodity prices.
To keep it really simple, just figure out what price you can afford for the car -based on your monthly budget and trade-in value - and negotiate that one big number.
That value can be used as a trade-in; or the vehicle can be sold privately to help raise money to pay for a new one — or for some other need.
A fall in residual value also decreases the amount of money consumers get at trade-in or when they try to resell a used car.
The money will stay on the table until they hammer out the value of any trade-in as well as financing, insurance or warranty details.
Some version of the "cap and trade" market-based system that has already shown its value in reducing acid-rain pollution is virtually certain to pass this Congress. "the."
Some version of the "cap and trade" market-based system that has already shown its value in reducing acid-rain pollution is virtually certain to pass this Congress. "the."