The trading day is shortened in observance of the Labour Day holiday.
Shares of Yahoo slipped by more than 3% by the end of the trading day.
Market Thermometer can help you set a profit target for the next trading day.
We spoke throughout the trading day, sharing information and swapping insights.
Merck closed the regular hours trading day down 6% and Schering-Plough lost more than 11%.
Thursday is the last trading day before the Christmas holiday, and volume is expected to be thin.
People walk along Wall Street past the New York Stock Exchange at the start of the trading day.
At the close of every trading day, the clearinghouse matches buy and sell contracts for the day.
At the close of every trading day, the clearing house matches buy and sell contracts for the day.
Across the industry, value-at-risk—a measure of potential losses on a bad trading day—has risen steadily.
The shares closed at $9.65 on Aug. 13, the last trading day before Dell’s initial agreement was made public.
Shenhua Energy was about 30 times oversubscribed and soared by about 87 per cent on its opening trading day.
An exchange system in which bids and offers are continuously posted on the exchange during the trading day by its members.
He began pouring money into the precious metal on the first trading day after the downgrade, and his foresight has paid off.
The Asian trading day was marked by a flurry of central-bank interventions before the dollar gained strength later in the day.
Above all be mentally prepared for the rigors of each trading day from the time you get up each morning until you go to bed at night.
Global stocks rebounded sharply yesterday after central Banks pumped emergency funds into the markets for the third consecutive trading day.
During the last full trading day on Thursday, turnover was just $46,500 and only 25 stocked traded, although more than 300 are technically listed.
In the heat of the trading day, it's very easy to feel pressured to reallocate assets, either to jump on momentarily hot trend or dump existing holdings.
The Shanghai Composite Index dropped by 6.7% on August 31st after falling 3% on the previous trading day (it made up some of the loss later in the week).
On Thursday, the first full trading day in Europe since Dubai’s announcement, the FTSE 100 index in London lost 3.18 percent, to close down 170.68 points.
星期四,自迪拜声明后的第一个欧洲交易日,伦敦的金融指数FTSE 100下跌了3.18个百分点,收盘时下跌170.68点。
On Thursday, the first full trading day in Europe since Dubai’s announcement, the FTSE 100 index in London lost 3.18 percent, to close down 170.68 points.
星期四,自迪拜声明后的第一个欧洲交易日,伦敦的金融指数FTSE 100下跌了3.18个百分点,收盘时下跌170.68点。