The goods will be arrived in our factory in 1 hour, Cause It was traffic jam on the road.
Traffic jam: There is traffic jam on the road ahead, but someone drives in an opposite direction regardless of the consequences.
Happiness on the road on the regular traffic jam, because too many people.
On the down side, having so many cars on the road creates terrible traffic jam in many big cities.
As there are many private cars on the road, in the street, but the road is too small to hold them, so traffic jam comes out.
MC: I heard that yesterday you must get off the van and walked on the road because of traffic jam, what did you feel?
If it is unable to relieve traffic congestion on the city expressway efficiently, the larger traffic jam will ultimately emerge in city road network as a result.
Urban traffic flow on the road has great randomness and strong uncertainty, it is not very satisfactory to use the traffic control to solve the traffic jam problem only.
Urban traffic flow on the road has great randomness and strong uncertainty, it is not very satisfactory to use the traffic control to solve the traffic jam problem only.