The hall is shrouded in mysterious and solemn colors and presents a kind of tragic atmosphere.
They give the novel a mysterious coloring, strengthen the tragic atmosphere and highlight the themes.
In Macbeth, witches and their prophets run through the plot of the whole tragedy, playing up a gloomy, horrible and tragic atmosphere.
Lu Xun's novels were shrouded with tragic atmosphere because of the age of their production and the author's insight into the society.
In addition, the authors are also good at rendering the atmosphere, creating a tragic atmosphere, set off the characters' psychological activities.
Plenty of modernistic techniques having been exquisitely applied, the tragic atmosphere and the image of rain are aggravated to create the opposite scene when the catastrophe takes place.
The essay points out that Gao Yang is not only a great novelist whose historical novels embody "novel making history" but also a master who creates a tragic atmosphere in his historical novels.
Many castles are surrounded with atmosphere described in magical stories of love that can often be tragic.
Both worlds which they described emerge the similar particularity of cold: cool relation tactic, cold atmosphere in their works and tragic story and figures.
Here all the decencies of civilisation are swept away, and you feel that men are face to face with a sombre reality. There is an atmosphere that is at once intense and tragic.
In art technique, this work atmosphere to render and environment are tightly foil around the tragic theme.
In art technique, this work atmosphere to render and environment are tightly foil around the tragic theme.