A light boat will be easy and fun to row, very responsive, and easy to load on trailer.
In this paper the counting process of the Hysteresis Loop counting Method is translated into a FORTRAN program, the time history of load of chassis frame-of the trailer is counted with the computer.
It is260 m long and20 m wide (including14 m of traffic lanes and3 m of pavement of each side) with a designed load of Grade20 of automobile and Grade100 of trailer.
桥梁全长260米,宽20米,其中行车道14米,两边人行道各3米,设计荷载为汽车- 20级,挂车- 100级。
We need you to park a trailer at our dock one week prior to the shipping date so we can load it as the goods come off the production line.
Other considerations include whether the trailer is dry or refrigerated and whether the load is unitized and fully cubed.
Knee braces must be used in front of 1GS racks that are not supported by load bars except front units that are against the trailer head wall.
This paper presents the construction and drive system designs and operating load torque calculation for a caterpillar trailer fixed on table with VVVF s drive system.
When being widened and rebuilded, the designing load of Tongtu road was changed from former load(Truck-Load over 20 and trailer 100)to be class city-A.
The wind strikes the trailer like a load of dirt coming off a dump truck, eases, dies, leaves a temporary silence.
This paper presents the construction and drive system designs and operating load torque calculation for a caterpillar trailer fixed on table with VVVF's drive system.
It takes about 30 minutes to load the bike on the trailer and pack the gear followed by an hour 's drive.
It takes about 30 minutes to load the bike on the trailer and pack the gear followed by an hour 's drive.