The Café de la Gare was considered a first-rate training ground and launch pad for young comedians.
The battlefield became their training ground.
Reporters who visited the training ground were turned away.
Upright posture is the most dashing figure on the training ground.
Apparently, Carlos practised this kick all the time on the training ground.
I went to the training ground and met Sir Alex, I had a bite to eat with him.
It was to be a training ground for a new generation of Dark Jedi, led by Brakiss.
We have a good training ground, a good youth set-up and we don't need to touch that.
Wigan's squad ran out onto their training ground on Thursday to find 48 balls has been pinched.
Whether you'll be a tracksuit manager on the training ground or a more distant tactical manager.
From 1917 to 1957, New Jersey's Fort Monmouth served as the breeding and training ground for these avian soldiers.
The training ground is world class and I am very impressed by everything I have seen and heard from the staff.
What may look like an ordinary town in New Mexico, is actually an elite training ground for US emergency services.
The players, aged between 9 and 15, visited the Reds' training ground to take part in the 10th World Skills Final.
这些球员的年龄在9- 15岁之间,他们来曼联训练基地使参加第10届世界技巧大赛的。
Our commitment as players is to focus on what we do every day in the training ground and try to win the next match.
(the FARC made a sham of the 1999-2002 peace talks by using their "safe haven" territory as a military training ground).
(FARC曾在1999- 2002年和谈制造骗局,利用他们的“安全避难所”伪装成军事训练场地)。
Running around on the training ground is not the same as doing it on the pitch, but I'm almost back to full fitness now.
The Ukraine striker was locked in talks with Mourinho at the training ground yesterday and his future remains uncertain.
Michael Carrick, meanwhile, flickered with mischief as he hinted at a training ground backlash for Obertan's glaring miss.
A few miles outside Birmingham, at Aston Villa's training ground, new owner Randy Lerner is setting out his vision for the club.
Ferguson will be asked for his response when he holds his weekly press conference at the Carrington training ground on Friday.
But we've worked really hard on team shape and we just need to put what we've been doing on the training ground into practise.
But we've worked really hard on team shape and we just need to put what we've been doing on the training ground into practise.