Become a Latin dance training in the field of gold training institutions, to help more students to easily grasp the Latin dance!
Students would be offered on-the-job training leading to the certification of their skill in a particular field.
Giving more children this training could increase the number of people interested in the field and help fill the jobs gap, Cortina said.
I think universities, especially those who provide an "education not training" do their students a disservice if they ignore the reality of what is currently in the field.
None of the women in the group had any formal medical training, but they learned about basic well-woman gynecology by working in their clinics and reading widely in the field.
The United States has made great strides in building up the operational capacity of its partners by training and equipping troops and mentoring them in the field.
美国为盟友提供军事培训和装备,同时进行相应的指导。 我们这方面的能力取得了长足的进步。
In April the training operation shifted to Avenger Field.
when I lived in Canada and took training in the Health Care field, I saw a video on how in those earlier days electric shock treatments were applied.
The academic field concerned with the study of, improvement of, and training for the activities mentioned in 1.
This name must be used again in the Classification Workbench, where you have to choose a field that contains the document text of your training data.
As a result, most of the paramedics end up working in a different field, often completely unrelated to health, and lose all their training in a matter of months.
The ready-made portable libraries include the latest nursing and health-care information and training materials to improve the skills of health professionals in the field.
He also has published the "Wildlife Field Research and Conservation Training Manual," which is published in a number of different languages to teach people skills for working in the wild.
We worked hard in training and on the field to arrive where we are today.
Persons in responsible positions should have the appropriate training for the management and use of systems within their field of responsibility which utilises computers.
At the Touch Institute in Miami, massage therapist and psychologist Tiffany Field has been helping pregnant women by training their husbands and significant others to give them restorative massages.
Coordinate with BACH for relevant procedures in the field of contractor general training, access, registration, etc.
At the Touch Institute in Miami, massage-therapist and psychologist Tiffany Field has been helping pregnant women by training their husbands and significant others to give them restorative massages.
Above 3 years training or teaching and work experience in the aviation-related field.
They may also be personally interested in gaining skills and training in a certain field but not interested in pursuing the topic to the extent that a major would require.
Power engineers require a college training program in stationary or power engineering and several years of work experience in the field.
Personnel exchanges and training in the space field.
One may also want to improve the resume by taking courses and receiving training in a field he/she knows employers are always interested in.
The field study is based on ethnography that describes the training for spiritual mediums and the life style in spiritual healing.
The virtual real-time rambling of complex scenes is one of the important applications of virtual reality which has wide foreground in the military simulation training field.
Requirements: a passion for food, with "a creative eye." Training and experience in the field preferred.
Intelligent maintenance Training System is the application of Intelligent Tutoring System in equipment maintenance field.
Intelligent maintenance Training System is the application of Intelligent Tutoring System in equipment maintenance field.