The container provides automatic support for managing things like resources, transactions, and concurrency but can also introduce substantial overhead in your applications.
Determine if this is appropriate for your needs, and also consider how the scope (and isolation level) you define for your transactions can impact overall concurrency requirements.
Always starting transactions at the highest level in the call stack (the API layer) can be inefficient, particularly in cases of high-user-throughput and high-database-concurrency needs.
Many concurrent users perform numerous transactions that require rapid access to data. Availability, speed, concurrency, and recoverability are key issues.
The work in this paper provides the foundation for further research on mixed real-time transaction scheduling and concurrency control, and processing mixed transactions in actual application systems.
The paper focused on concurrency control mechanism of mobile transactions and proposed a concurrency control strategy based on dynamic timer.
This paper presents a model for object -oriented distributed transactions, and proposes the concurrency control algorithm that fits this mode. In this paper, the algorithm has been proved.
Concurrency control and recovery techniques are used in conventional DBMS's to preserve the serializability and the permanence requirements of database transactions.
Mobile update transactions and mobile read only transactions are supported by a pseudo serializable concurrency control protocol that supports both updates and read-only transactions from clients.
Moreover, conventional concurrency control and scheduling methods for update transactions are not suitable in that mobile real-time transactions are complicated and nested.
Moreover, conventional concurrency control and scheduling methods for update transactions are not suitable in that mobile real-time transactions are complicated and nested.