A new algorithm for array synthesis based on inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) is proposed in the paper.
Compared with traditional inverse Fourier transform method, which used zeros padding method, at the same condition of sampling resolution, the method proposed could decrease the calculation load.
Theoretical analysis shows that the new deblurring function is the Fourier transform of inverse filtering function.
The filter is put on the power spectrum before applying the inverse Fourier transform to yield the correlation output. This technique can be used in pattern recognition of grey level input image.
The original image was reconstructed exactly through the inverse Fourier transform to the coded image.
In this paper, the inverse Laplace transform via. fast Fourier technique was presented to solve the inverse heat conduction problem.
When the distance between positive and inverse Fourier transform system changes, the CCD is adjusted to the focal plane by variable value of interval between two peaks on CCD with computer.
Such numerical solution is iterated for all the waves with different frequencies, and all the numerical solutions are transformed into the light fields in the time domain by inverse Fourier transform.
The experimental result shows: In the digital Fourier holography, the reconstructed image and the conjugate image can be obtained by use of Fourier inverse transform directly.
The author has discussed two integral transforms for 2.5-D transient electromagnetic forward modeling, namely, inverse Fourier transform and inverse Laplace transform.
This paper describes a new method which USES IDFT (Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform) technique to do time domain near field measurement for antenna.
The primary function of the auxiliary signal generator is output sine wave or SWIFT (stored wave form inverse Fourier transform) wave at the scheduled time.
The radix-2 decimation-in-time algorithm based on 16-bit fixed-point operation and pipeline architecture are adopted in the core module IFFT(Inverse Fast Fourier Transform).
Substituting the represented points in the proposed random function model and performing the inverse Fourier transform yield the assembles of the stochastic accelerograms.
An inverse temporal and spatial Fourier transform is applied to the estimated frequency-wavenumber spectrum, generating trace interpolation of the seismic data.
The measuring accuracy has been improved due to adopting Inverse Fourier Transform based on adding window in frequency domain.
Through making the inverse Fourier transform to test light source's interferogram, the authors obtained the spectrum of test source.
Through making the inverse Fourier transform to test light source's interferogram, the authors obtained the spectrum of test source.