'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' is finally exploding things in theaters, and it's even getting some decent reviews (well, better than the last one anyway).
Hollywood's latest contribution, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon", has made nearly 400 million US dollars in global box office takings since its Wednesday debut.
So for only $9.99 you can stroll into the movie theater to see "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" while wearing glasses in the shape of Optimus Prime or Bumblebee.
Our friends at FilmDrunk have the first trailer for "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," which will be the third installment in the "Transformers" live-action franchise.
Transformers 3 – or Transformers: Dark of the Moon to use its official title – looks set to be one of this year's most successful blockbusters.
变形金刚3:月黑之时,有可能是今年最成功的卖座大片,而现在Super Bowl spot上发布了30秒的电视预告篇,我们可以从中得到一些续集的线索。
Transformers: Dark of the Moon is screening now.
On its second weekend of release, Transformers: Dark of the Moon has stayed atop the box office while becoming 2011's biggest hit yet with $645million already in the bank.
This is a stop motion reenactment from transformers 3 dark of the moon (dotm).
This is a stop motion reenactment from transformers 3 dark of the moon (dotm).