This paper introduces the transient state response of the vehicle model which has two linear degrees of freedom with a step input of the front wheel.
While fault occurs there is a transient or steady-state response to the power network.
The output will pass through a transient phase and set down to a steady state response that will be of the same form as, or bounded by, the input.
The RC series circuit (linear time - invariant circuit)excited by the non - sine periodic voltage is analysed, both the transient response and the steady - state response of this circuit are obtained.
While fault occurs, there is a transient or steady-state response to the power network.
The steady-state response and the transient -state response and their parameters-can be determined, and handling characteristics are then recognized.
It is a practical and effective method to study about the static state and transient response to non-linear vibration system on the basis of experiments.
The output will pass through a transient phase and settle down to a steady-state response that will be of the same form as, or bounded by, the input...
The output will pass through a transient phase and settle down to a steady-state response that will be of the same form as, or bounded by, the input...