Three dimensional nonlinear and isoparameter FEM has been successfully used to simulate the transient temperature field, phase transformation, stress and strain of complex components during quenching.
The equations of heat conduction and thermoelastic dynamics are solved through integral-transform method. Transient distribution of temperature field and thermal stress field is described.
In order to avoid the difficulty and expensive measurement of transient temperature field, a method for maximal stress and strain cycle calculation using residue stress is proposed.
The results presented here in can be used to predict transient temperature field, transient stress field, and fatigue lifetime of the steam turbine rotor.
The calculation method of transient temperature field and stress field of a new type brake disc is put forward on the basis of 3dimentional cycle-symmetric finite element model.
This paper proposes a method to calculate the transient temperature field and stress field of a working brake disc with 3 dimensional cycle symmetric model.
The transient temperature and stress field during starting of a turbine first stage disc's 3-dimensional model has been calculated by using the general finite element calculation program ANSYS.
With the IP rotor of 200mw steam turbine as an example, transient temperature and thermal stress field calculation is made Finally, some useful data and conclusions are obtained.
With the IP rotor of 200mw steam turbine as an example, transient temperature and thermal stress field calculation is made Finally, some useful data and conclusions are obtained.