Can you either translate to English or let me know the original form that was used.
Try not to think in your first language and translate your ideas into English.
Hannah just told me that she was unable to translate the report into English.
He began to translate Chinese poetry into both English and French when he was still a teenager.
It's difficult to translate some hot words such as neijuan, fanersai and wude into English.
You'll run into problems if you perform all of your SEO tasks in English and simply translate the results to other languages.
Suppose you choose the most popular keywords for your products in English and then translate them to German: That won't ensure that you chose the most popular German words.
The example only has a US English version of these strings, but you could translate them to French and place them within a fr-FR folder, to German and use a de-DE folder, and so on.
示例中仅包含这些字符串的英文版本,但是您可以将这些字符串翻译为法文然后放到 fr-FR文件夹中,或者翻译为德文放到 de-DE 文件夹中,等等。
A computer can compute arguments very easily by simple algorithms but it can't do is translate an argument in English to a formal language.
Although she conducts interviews in French, with a translator present whenever possible, it's rare they have to translate a question asked in English for her to understand.
It often consists of English words used to directly translate Chinese phrases.
I would receive two or three dental articles a month to translate from English into German.
This English poem is far too hard to translate.
Translators need to open the glossary database, copy an English string, translate it, and store the strings in the new language to the glossary database.
It has words, a fixed grammar and there are lots of 'native speakers' out there, so you guessed it... there are programs that translate English to Klingon.
And each side USES different characters to translate new scientific, medical and English terms, as well as names of important foreign places and people.
Mr Murakami’s banalities are more likely a reflection of how difficult it can be to translate Japanese into English.
We learned how to read and translate from English into Chinese and vice versa, but we weren't given enough practice in English speaking.
If you do this, you will read and think in English without having to translate into Chinese and you will build up your confidence to a point where you can proceed to a higher level.
The school had to hire graduate students to help translate the lessons, which are delivered in English.
First, he urged the host, Japan's ultra-nationalist group Issuikai, to translate its newsletter into english-thus denying it its native language, and his.
You need to translate whatever you see in your life into English, such as the billboards you see in the streed.
We're using plain English in this programme, like the people in Oregon who want to translate Shakespeare into plain English.
He brings up the notion of “mottainai, ” a word that is difficult to translate into English yet explains why the Japanese save wrapping paper from gifts to use again and again.
Here, t would attempt to translate the help text from English into the user's native tongue.
So should the user take a photo from his Android device, the application can translate the text in that photo - though right now it only supports German-to-English translations.
I am going to translate a passage of good English into modern English of the worst sort. Here is a well-known verse from ecclesiastes.
I am going to translate a passage of good English into modern English of the worst sort. Here is a well-known verse from ecclesiastes.