The influence factors of energy transmission and energy loss in optical fiber are analysed.
According to the coupled-mode theory, the impacts of fiber couplers transmission characteristics such as splitting ratio and additional loss, on the veracity and bandwidth of FFTS are analyzed.
Furthermore, if the chirp value is proper, the effect of fiber loss can be counteracted completely, and the transmission of picosecond pulse is just as the...
Using the instrument for the transmission loss of single mode of winding birefringence optical fiber, the spectrogram of loss and the graph of mode density are obtained.
The comparison is in term of fiber required, average propagation delay, transmission loss, max bit rate, fault tolerance among four type topologies included bus, star, ring and dual ring.
It is well known that, apart from fiber loss, timing jitter is the key factor which limits the total transmission distance of the soliton system.
An ultraviolet fiber is not suitable for long distance transmission considering the great loss and the limitation of the sensitivity of the detector.
In this thesis, at first we will introduce the electromagnetic theory of optical planar waveguide, analyze the transmission characteristic of different modes and the connection loss of fiber.
Effects of dispersion decreasing and loss on Transmission of Bragg solitons in fiber Bragg gratings is analyzed by simulating numerically the transform of Bragg solitons.
The possibility of using a hollow-core Bragg fiber with cobweb- structured cladding to obtain low-loss transmission in wavelength range 0.
The possibility of using a hollow-core Bragg fiber with cobweb- structured cladding to obtain low-loss transmission in wavelength range 0.