The process of microaldehyde deodorization for the PP transparent nucleating agent were studied.
The transparent polypropylene (PP) special material for injection is prepared by adding nucleating agent to homopolymerized PP matrix.
The influence of nucleating transparent agent on the structure and the properties of LLDPE was researched.
研讨了添加成核透明剂等对线型低密度聚乙烯( LLDPE)结构与性能的影响。
Compared with transparent PP by single NA-21, the tensile strength and impact strength of transparent PP by composite nucleating agent were obviously increased.
与单- NA - 21增透pp相比,复配成核荆增透pp的冲击强度与拉伸强度都有明显提高。
Compared with transparent PP by single NA-21, the tensile strength and impact strength of transparent PP by composite nucleating agent were obviously increased.
与单- NA - 21增透pp相比,复配成核荆增透pp的冲击强度与拉伸强度都有明显提高。