This paper discusses briefly survey method and basic principle of RTK. The precision and result of RTK and urban First-order traverse survey is compared and analyzed.
It discusses the influence of ground control network, underground traverse survey, shaft orientation and gyroscopic orientation edge append-survey on breakthrough precision.
Heavy spring snows prevented their passage but had they been able to traverse the divide, the party would have been the first organized survey to enter the Yellowstone region.[16]
The techniques of measurement and data-processing theory was discussed in detail on the basis of precision traverse control network measurement of the long tunnel holing-through survey.
It has also discussed the characteristic of control survey of non-directional traverse in urban buildings and concealing terrains and pointed out the practical value and problems of this method.
The function of astronomical leveling in height survey of position traverse control network is introduced.
This paper is directed to an advanced method for route survey-polar coordinate method of traverse, and try to establish a corresponding graph and data processing system.
During the check of anomalies, if the soil survey is applied, either the rectilinear method or the geologic traverse method may be used for the lay-out of...
During the check of anomalies, if the soil survey is applied, either the rectilinear method or the geologic traverse method may be used for the lay-out of...