The fabric has been treated to repel water.
Already, a number of films, including "Water for Elephants," "The Hangover Part Ⅱ" and "Zookeeper," have drawn the anger of activists who say the creatures acting in them haven't been treated properly.
Simpson said the water, treated by a filtration system and ultraviolet light, softened clients' skin.
Do not use water that has been chemically treated or "blue" water.
Drink only bottled, boiled, or treated water until your supply is tested and found safe.
But, in fact, Haddad says, putting treated water back into nature can make it less clean.
Veolia Water says the treated water will be transported through a 20km network of retrofitted gas pipes to places like Rosehill Racecourse and the Shell refinery in the Sydney suburb of Clyde.
The World Bank estimates that 88 billion litres of treated water is lost from leaking urban pipelines every day, a quantity split evenly between rich and poor countries.
The city promises to send treated water back.
Safe drinking water includes bottled, boiled, or treated water.
Many were toxic. Some had never been found in swimming pools or in chlorine-treated drinking water.
But most of the treated water is fed back, via a separate distribution system, to Singapore's factories and power plants-and then treated again.
In both cases, the treated water is also available for tasting at local water-recycling facilities.
Treated drinking water from public wells is regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The Fairfield Sewage Treatment Plant produces around 4.3b litres of treated water every year.
Every day nearly 900m litres of treated water were lost and 240 leaks had to be fixed.
Poor: Disinfectant and/or microbial levels in treated water frequently out of specification.
Sewage and treated water can be a heat source in urban area due to large heat capacity, thus recovery and reuse of its energy is one of the most desirable plans for the sewerage system.
The use of a water softener may increase the speed of anode consumption. More frequent inspection of the anode is needed when using softened (or phosphate treated) water.
The result shows that the treated water is satisfactory with the water utilization requirement of fully mechanized coal mining equipment, ensures it's normal, high efficiency and safety production.
This article studied the effect of magnetically treated water (well water) on increasing weight gain of AA broiler chickens.
Green roof surfaces collect and filter the area's prodigious rainfall in rooftop water tanks for use in low-water fixtures and fittings, reducing the need to waste treated water.
The result indicates that the quality of treated water can meet the water quality standard and drained water standard by using the new FSAN without changing the sewage treating process.
This storage tank has a easy structure and simplified operation. Treated water quality of this tank satisfies the requirement of IMO crusher and collecting sewage tank.
Conclusion the result suggests that the magnetic field treated water plays an important role for prevention of AS in experimental rabbits.
The quality of the treated water reached effluent standard of GB and it can be used as water coolant in commercial run.
A portion of the treated water will be re-injected under the oil layer in the reservoir, and the rest used to power the hydraulic submersible pumps that will provide artificial lift.
Ultra filtration and reverse osmosis processes were carried out to treat circulating cooling sewage. The treated water quality accords with the make-up water of the lower-pressure boiler.
In addition, quality of raw wastewater and treated water were mensurated by local Environmental Protection Bureau.
Use of commercial or immobilized laccase for decolorizing reactive dye effluent was demonstrated, showing potential for energy and water usage conservation by treated water recycling.