This paper presents sand and cobble foundation treatment of overflow dam, guide wall and overflow weir by "high pressure jet grouting" at an in Hydropower Station.
This paper introduces the treatment for deep dam foundation of the concrete cut off wall, which intensity and elastic modulus value are requirement to satisfy the stress, strain and durability.
The rock foundation of the dam of the Dahua Hydro-project was relatively poor, however, both the uplift and water leakage under the dam are fairly low after a comprehensive foundation treatment.
The paper introduces the project general arrangement, the selection of dam boy shape, the stress analysis, the stability against sliding of dam abutment and the foundation treatment.
The assessment is carried out on characteristics of engineering geology in dam foundation and main engineering geology problems on arch dam and treatment measures are taken.
The research results provides important basis for the design of side slope of swelling clay embankment dam and the consolidation and treatment of swelling clay foundation.
The research about the section design, the treatment of spillway section and the anti-seepage system of overflow concrete face rockfill dam that is constructed on the rock foundation is performed.
The research about the section design, the treatment of spillway section and the anti-seepage system of overflow concrete face rockfill dam that is constructed on the rock foundation is performed.