To avoid too many appeals, a trial judge often seeks informal advice from a judge in a higher court.
Article 33. A judge should comply with the rules of the court during the trial and should require all the staff of that court to do so and maintain the dignity of the court, and should.
For reasons that remain unclear, the case was heard by a military court, where the judge tried to hold the trial in private, claiming that the jury was afraid of being seen on television.
She was appointed to the U.S. District Court, serving six years as a trial judge where she presided over hundreds of cases.
The judge later decided on an interim hearing on April 7 when both the prosecutor and the defense lawyer will present their evidence. The court also agreed to hold the trial from June 2-4.
主法官随后决定在4月7日再举行一次庭审,届时控方及被告方需提供充分的证据,同时将此案的正式审理定在6月2 - 4日。
The testimony came during an ongoing preliminary hearing after which Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor will decide if there is enough evidence for Dr. Murray to stand trial.
She has began a federal judge for seventeen years. If confirmed, she will be the only one on the court who was a trial judge.
I was appointed a federal trial judge in 1994 and served in that capacity until I was elevated to the federal appellate court in 2010.
Judge: eph gus Sir, just someone accused you stole a shop two books, please you to reach court for trial at one o 'clock in the afternoon, I hope you actively cooperate with us.
Endowed with a flair for the theatrical, she has called the judge a monster and the trial a farce, and merrily flouted court protocol.
Objectively, in the court trial the prosecution and the defendant there is symbolic differences in treatment, to judge the psychological implications to more negative impression of the accused.
Objectively, in the court trial the prosecution and the defendant there is symbolic differences in treatment, to judge the psychological implications to more negative impression of the accused.