The learned trial judge had an interest in the disposition of the case, which if disclosed, would have given rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias.
For reasons that remain unclear, the case was heard by a military court, where the judge tried to hold the trial in private, claiming that the jury was afraid of being seen on television.
Article 33. A judge should comply with the rules of the court during the trial and should require all the staff of that court to do so and maintain the dignity of the court, and should.
She was appointed to the U.S. District Court, serving six years as a trial judge where she presided over hundreds of cases.
The judge in one of Sweden's most high profile cases ever is also a member of an interest organisation for one side and associates with the prosecution trial lawyers in his free time?
Pinochet returned to Chile on March 3 after a 16-month detention in Britain. Pinochet was detained after a Spanish judge tried to bring him to trial on charges of torture and conspiracy.
Trout said the trial judge, T. S. Ellis III, gave the jury a definition of official acts that was too broad.
It has been suggested that the bath be used in a "trial of water" for at least one hour, allowing the mother to judge its effectiveness.
The author is a trial surveillance courtyard judge, the concrete operator of this system, and deeply felt this system urgently need to be further consummated.
How the judge exercises his discretion correctly and suitably in the trial is a subject worthy of deep study in the improvement of judicial system.
Writing judgment documents is an important part of trial. It is the symbol of a judge performing his right and the literal body of noting the legitimacy and the rationality of the judgment.
In this case, the trial judge granted judgment in favor of the trustee, holding that directors owed a fiduciary duty to creditors when a corporation was in the vicinity of insolvency.
It is helpful for surgeons to understand the reason behind bias, so as to judge the validity of a surgical clinical trial and properly apply the conclusion in real clinical setting.
Article 161 If any participant in the proceedings of a trial or by-stander violates the order of the courtroom, the presiding judge shall warn him to desist.
Article 161 If any participant in the proceedings of a trial or by-stander violates the order of the courtroom, the presiding judge shall warn him to desist.