Over 400 people ranging in age from 18 to 60 took the trial test between September and November.
The trial test result shows that the various technical indexes satisfied the technical requirements.
The trial test results of the first two ships with this propeller and the correlation analysis are also included.
Prior to the air pressure test, a trial test shall be carried out using air or other nontoxic and incombustible gas.
PMI (Pressure Measurement Indicated) system data has been imported to the database of the trial test client application with the trial test client application software.
Remark: Since our instrumental step is 0.36 degree in the Angle adjustment and trial test, so, the below mentioned degrees are all the multiple of 0.36 degree, most of which is not integer.
The petition could be just a trial balloon to test the administration's reaction.
The trial is seen as a test case for the country's strict new media laws.
She flagged the data as a 'test' before processing it, and the trial run went smoothly.
In a test of strength over the fate of an American agent, awaiting trial for murder, it is clear who is emerging the stronger.
The Individual will be responsible for writing standard and trial specific test scripts, along with reporting and documenting testing results.
In the study, the test was performed on tumor samples from a trial that took place some years ago, so it was already known which patients suffered relapses.
His test scores from Battle School were a matter of public record since Graff's trial.
Phase II trials: a phase II trial continues to test the safety of the drug, and begins to evaluate how well the new drug works.
They are talking about the results of a new trial. Here, "trial" means "test" - the test of a new medicine on animals or patients.
This was a prospective non-randomized community intervention trial designed to test the provision of injectable contraceptives by community-based reproductive health agents (CBRHAs).
The actual tests would employ the well-honed methods of operant conditioning, developed initially on pigeons, in which the test subject has first to work out what is going on by trial and error.
Visa, a credit-card company, in a recent trial with Hadoop crunched two years of test records, or 73 billion transactions, amounting to 36 terabytes of data.
A trial that started on May 16th in America may test this idea.
To test this example, you need to have the following software installed. Download links for trial versions of this software are available in the Resources section of this article.
To test this example, you need to have the following software installed. Download links for trial versions of this software are available at the end of this article.
If you don't then just trial it and test it out on a small scale, visit other successful implementations, get a second opinion and do whatever it takes to make a committed decision.
Had the case come to trial, it would have been an important test of Wall Street's disclosure obligations.
Remember this: EVERY word that EVERY ONE of us received was a trial, a test, not only to ourselves, but also to those who read our words.
Remember this: EVERY word that EVERY ONE of us received was a trial, a test, not only to ourselves, but also to those who read our words.