Is a mathematical function that returns the trigonometric cosine of the specified Angle, in radians, in the specified expression.
Each kind of wave may use the trigonometric function equation to express.
As no trigonometric function in the formula results in easy and accurate calculation result, it is especially suitable for workshop applications.
A method of standardization GPS satellite orbits using trigonometric polynomial function is put forward in this paper.
Based on the stress partial tensor's trigonometric function answer, the main stress and main direction are established in parsed currency formula, and some special answers and examples are discussed.
Methods The CR technique is operated with trigonometric function of positioning is used in 42 cases of foreign body in eyeballs.
The method based on the cubic B-spline function, beam vibration function (or trigonometric functions) and variation principle.
Methods The CR technique which is operated with trigonometric function of positioning is used in 42 cases of foreign body in eyeballs.
For boxing constraint of control, trigonometric function transformation was developed to achieve an unconstrained problem.
Trigonometric function is one of the most important contents in maths in senior middle school. New teaching material was abridged in the base of original teaching material.
Almost calculator can finish basic arithmetic and root square operation. The science calculator can even process trigonometric function, exponential function and logarithmic function.
As an approximate method, with the trigonometric function, the simple pendulum dynamical equation is simplified, and the approximate formula for the period of simple pendulum movement is presented.
To evaluate the effect of shear on deformation of beams, shear in beams under the action of a concentrated load is expressed in terms of a single-valued continuous inverse trigonometric function.
This chaotic neural network is used to the 10-city traveling salesman problem (TSP), and the influence of trigonometric function self-feedback on TSP is analyzed.
Absrtact: CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer) algorithm is the main method to realize the fast and accurate trigonometric function, and is widely used in modern engineering.
Six growth curves used for prediction of oilfield development indexes expressed with trigonometric function are proposed, thus perfecting and abounding in the existed growth curve methods further.
Six growth curves used for prediction of oilfield development indexes expressed with trigonometric function are proposed, thus perfecting and abounding in the existed growth curve methods further.