A 2004 ABC News poll showed that 60 percent of Americans read the story of Noah's Ark as literally true.
So a coding pattern intended to provide fair access to CPU resources while waiting for a condition to become true in fact consumes 100 percent of whichever CPU core it happens to start running on.
This is true in both Domino 6.x and Domino 7, making percent CPU the limiting factor in the number of users that can be supported.
CPU使用百分比限制了所能支持的用户数,在Domino 6 .x和Domino7中都是这样。
Woody Allen's quote is so true: "Eighty percent of success is showing up."
伍迪.艾伦的格言太真实了:“80%的成功正在出现。” 如果你愿意简单地跨出开始一项生意的第一步,你就极大地提高了自己成功的机会。
The old saw that we use just 10 percent of our brainpower isn't true, but we now know that neurons make up just 10 percent of our brain cells.
Most of us have four employment. True statistics now in the free market, where we calculate our unemployment per five person, 20 percent, so they haven’t given us sound money.
That's incredible progress, but the last 1 percent remains a true danger.
It's true that there's a powerful genetic link to happiness - usually it's estimated to be about forty to fifty percent.
Unfortunately, the same thing is not true for the cold chain; even 90 percent reliability is nowhere near enough.
It's a strange fact, but true, that humanity's myriad of computer operating systems are - by some weird stroke of intergalactic fate - compatible with 90 percent of alien technologies.
It's true Europe's exporters are getting help from a weaker euro, down by 10 percent against the yuan this year.
Women better than men, better drivers This is sad but true: men are 77 percent more likely to die in a car accident than women, according to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University.
This was true in sixty-two percent of couples in Ivory Coast and Kenya.
The world Health Organization report finds that six percent of all male deaths worldwide are related to alcohol. This is true in only one percent of female deaths.
Local activists insist the true figure - especially for girls in rural areas - is as high as 60 or 70 percent.
When presented with the statement “human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals,” just 45 percent of respondents indicated “true.
It cycles possible bad futures around in your head and forces you to live in dreadful future scenarios, 90 percent of which will never come true.
That was only true of 30 percent with art history de GREes.
If that were true how could the yuan have " appreciated by 20 percent against the US dollar ", since 2005.
One thing is inarguably true: The 99 percent don't have 99 percent of anything, money-wise, in the United States.
And in the northwestern state of Punjab, that is true for almost forty percent of women.
It was true that less than 5 percent of these patients would need parenteral fat.
Perhaps this is their own imagination, but this may be true, each 50 percent probability is almost the same.
At one point during the deployment when many of the C-130Es were operationally restricted because of center wing box cracks, we began to task our aircraft at 100 percent to test their true durability.
It's not true that humans only use 10 percent of our brains, no study has shown or even claimed that. It's just something people say for no reason.
More than 80 percent said 'We need to talk' is the most feared conversation opener, while 42 percent of women voted for 'is everything OK' - when their partner knows the opposite is true.
This is sad but true: men are 77 percent more likely to die in a car accident than women, according to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University.
Choose Yishibai, Make the Interactive Transmission Value One Hundred Percent Come True.
Choose Yishibai, Make the Interactive Transmission Value One Hundred Percent Come True.