Everyone is busy in mundane events in the true or otherwise.
I was glad to see she wasn't impressed by the boast, true or otherwise.
The accessors stereotype property is set to true if the event has its accessors (add or remove); otherwise, it is set to false.
It answers true when the object below the mouse pointer is a node representing a CMIS repository or a CMIS folder; otherwise, it answers false.
当鼠标指针下的对象是一个表示CMIS知识库,或者CM IS文件夹的节点,它就返回true;否则,就返回false。
If you say you love your job, but your actions say otherwise, which do you think is more true -your words or your actions?
Can you think of examples, in the enterprise or otherwise, where these aspects hold true aswell?
This method returns true if the file or directory is successfully deleted. Otherwise it returns false.
HasValue is true if the node has a text value or false otherwise.
The value produced by that XQuery is either the customer's name element if the predicate is true, or the empty sequence otherwise.
Otherwise, your server can be used by any client to access arbitrary hosts while hiding his or her true identity. This is dangerous both for your network and for the Internet at large.
This function returns TRUE if the file or directory exists, otherwise it returns FALSE.
But it's just as true that we're very concerned about people (Earthly or otherwise) and how future changes will affect the way they live.
If you say you love your job, but your actions say otherwise, which do you think is more true your words or your actions?
If you say you love your job, but your actions say otherwise, which do you think is more true-your words or your actions?
If you say you love your job, but your actions say otherwise, which do you think is more true-your words or your actions?