Somehow I sensed he could teach me, or even lend me, the courage I needed in order to try again, to marry again and to love again.
This lack of love is your loneliness, and when you see the truth of this you will never again try to fill it with things and people from outside.
Have you ever heard run of the true love? You've got to get out of your blue funk first and try to see her again.
Each time we talk or spend time together, my love for him is replenished, and although I'm almost positive it's the same for him, he refuses to even suggest it might be worth it to try it out again.
And if you tell me you don't need me anymore and bet our love won't last forever, I will ask you for a chance to try again, to make our life a little better.
And if you tell me you don't need me anymore and bet our love won't last forever, I will ask you for a chance to try again, to make our life a little better.