Improving the motion stability of the main head of tube rolling mill has great influence on improving the rolling quality of the tube.
Via the kinematical analysis of the working frame of LD-15 tube rolling mill, the analysis expression of the acceleration has been derived.
本文通过对LD - 15型轧管机的工作机架进行运动学分析,推导出主机头的运动加速度的解析表达式。
A main transmission connecting shaft for a three-roller continuous tube rolling mill relates to a production device of a seamless steel pipe.
This thesis details and analyses the problem of the balance unit of the universal joint spindle of the tube rolling mill, finds the theoretic basis of the fault.
The rolling pressure on a ld cold tube mill is analyzed and the calculating method of technical parameters such as rolling pressure is derived.
In chapter 3, the deformation theory of rolling tube by SPG mill is researched.
This new type 3 roll tube mill has a very advanced technology with easy operation, which shall replace the conventional tube mill and other type of skew rolling mill.
The wall thickness tolerance of hot-rolled seamless steel tubes is a major issue which has to be addressed in case of operation of any newly-built or modified hot-rolling tube mill.
Common round steel or steel tube may be rolled into solid or hollow twist drill rods by using the said rolling mill.
The invention relates to an improvement method of a core rod of a metal rolled tube, in particular to a hollow core rod used for a planetary rolling mill.
This paper describes the optimal design for the rocker mechanism of multi-strand and multi-roller cold tube-rolling mill with balancing method of double-noses.
This paper describes the optimal design for the rocker mechanism of multi-strand and multi-roller cold tube-rolling mill with balancing method of double-noses.