There are a series of problems in batch production of plating chromium for lining inner bores of input tube in oil well pump such as parameter choice, clamp design, bath care and adjust.
To add a new unit under the pump, it makes the oil tube telescopes elastically as the oil well pump moves up and down.
The design of infiltration ditch contains the obtaining water tube, anti-filter layer, well, pump house and other accessory building.
Methods An inclined tube well collecting percolating ground water with powerful pump in the water-bearing stratum in the depth of 30 meters below the riverbed of Huanghe River was built.
方法打斜管井深入黄河河床以下30 m处,以大功率水泵抽水,经加氯消毒后供生活饮用。
Pump bearings have sufficient stiffness to ensure a balanced operation of pump, if running in the deep well, we can get more of a Inhalation tube (indicated in the contract).
Pump bearings have sufficient stiffness to ensure a balanced operation of pump, if running in the deep well, we can get more of a Inhalation tube (indicated in the contract).