Tudor Court represents your opportunity to locate at the heart of the new Birmingham.
One novel that has featured heavily in summertime read recommendations is Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel's gripping account of Henry VIII's Tudor court told through his chief minister, Thomas Cromwell.
入围小说之一的《狼厅》(Wolf Hall),可谓夏季阅读推荐榜上的热门。 作者希拉里·曼蒂娥(HilaryMantel)透过首席国务大臣托马斯·克伦威尔的视角,引人入胜地讲述了亨利八世统治下的都德王朝的故事。
Henry VIII extended the Tudor kitchens at Hampton Court Palace into 55 rooms, covering over 3, 000 square feet (280 square metres).
亨利八世(Henry VIII)将其位于汉普顿宫(HamptonCourt Palace)的都铎(Tudor)御膳房扩张到55间屋子,占地3千平方英尺(合280平方米)。
Henry VIII extended the Tudor kitchens at Hampton Court Palace into 55 rooms, covering over 3, 000 square feet (280 square metres).
亨利八世(Henry VIII)将其位于汉普顿宫(HamptonCourt Palace)的都铎(Tudor)御膳房扩张到55间屋子,占地3千平方英尺(合280平方米)。