It's important that the azimuth of the antenna is tuned when troposcatter system working.
The frequency response may also be controlled by a low voltage micro sized varicap, or a varactor diode, and instantiated as a tuned, resonant matching filter network residing with the antenna module.
In one exemplary embodiment, the multi-band antenna system 100 is tuned to operate within two general radio frequency ranges which are generally referred to as a low band and a high band.
It is also understood that the multi-band antenna system 100 May also be tuned to operate in other frequency bands.
Once the initial resonant frequency is established, the antenna may be tuned just like a dipole.
One of Dr Dickey's rubber-coated antennas, though, can be tuned by stretching the antenna itself.
The effect of antenna size on frequency is analysed, whi ch shows that the frequency ratio can be tuned from 1.67 to 2.67.
分析 了天线尺寸变化对工 作频率的影响,得出所设计的天线频率比在1.67~2.67范围内可调。
The effect of antenna size on frequency is analysed, whi ch shows that the frequency ratio can be tuned from 1.67 to 2.67.
分析 了天线尺寸变化对工 作频率的影响,得出所设计的天线频率比在1.67~2.67范围内可调。