Query Tuner also provides index advice.
Plus, it includes a built-in TV tuner and GPS.
Integrated internal HDTV tuner for OTA broadcasts.
For each table reference in the query, query Tuner adds the following annotations.
You also can use Optim Query Tuner to analyze and tune the performance of your queries.
You have also been shown ways to accelerate query tuning by using the Query Tuner advisors.
我们还演示了如何使用QueryTuner advisor 工具来加快查询调优。
It looks more like a small TV set than a computer and, in fact, comes with a built-in TV tuner.
This 54-inch plasma set is one inch slim with no visible inputs, tuner or tangle of cables.
Figure 6 is the access path graph generated by query Tuner for the sample query in this article.
You can select the costliest query, and you can launch Optim Query Tuner directly from that view.
Optim query Tuner can format the problem query, which provides a good starting point for analysis.
Figure 1 is the access path graph generated by Optim query Tuner for the query shown in Listing 1.
Query Tuner provides a visualization of the processing that your data server uses to run a query.
在QueryTuner 中可以看到您的数据服务器运行查询的处理过程。
Reports generated by the workload tuner offer a wealth of detailed information about your objects.
An index scan is typically shown in Query Tuner as a group of four nodes in the access path graph.
These TVs are normally 480p displays with an analog tuner (for the normal channels 2 through 83) built in.
Notice that there can be no mention of the screen or the tuner, because these are internal system elements.
The description of each operation includes a Query Tuner access path graph that explains its operational semantics.
It includes graphics APIs for drawing on the screen, a tuner API for finding and showing TV channels, and many other APIs.
You can save them for later execution, or run them directly from the Query Tuner client if you have the appropriate authority.
A small Eee PC, hooked up to your sound system, will cost no more than a mid-price tuner. A lifetime of musical exploration beckons.
The SQL statement in Listing 2 creates the access path graph shown on the right side of the Optim Query Tuner screenshot in Figure 2.
Note, you can specify a threshold in the Query Tuner preferences to define how old statistics are before they are considered obsolete.
Based on this idea, you should perform the following tasks to tune the query completely, which you can do from within query tuner.
This section illustrates how the query Tuner query annotation and access path graph can help you analyze access paths and SQL performance.
Table 1 describes the input, output, and function of several operation nodes that typically appear in an Optim Query Tuner access path graph.
Note that this article mainly focuses on the query tuning methodology and USES screen captures from Optim query Tuner to illustrate the points.
For brevity, this article series USES the name Optim query Tuner to refer to the set of advisors and tools that provide Optim query tuning solutions.
For brevity, this article series USES the name Optim query Tuner to refer to the set of advisors and tools that Optim query tuning solutions provide.
简单起见,本文使用OptimQueryTuner名称来指代opt im查询调优解决方案提供的advisor和工具。
Another option is to use Query Tuner to capture statements from the statement cache and to view the statement runtime information, as shown in Figure 7.