Turbulent motion refers to the process by which heat and moisture are transferred from the land or ocean surface to the lower atmosphere.
The invention relates to a square hole-shaped grooving diversion type structured packing which can intensify the turbulent motion of a liquid film.
Tangential air makes the particles rotating and intensifies particles' turbulent motion, so the liquid drops are easier to collide with particles and wet them.
The system input in this case is turbulent air which produces random pitching motion of the vehicle.
The dynamical basis of vortex motion solution is the set of equations of turbulent velocity fluctuation.
Thesis shows that the insulator surface pollution process has matter with Brownian motion, the air drag force, turbulent diffusion, gravity.
One weak wind conditions, surface pollution mainly related to Brownian motion and turbulent diffusion, under strong wind mainly associated with the air drag force.
The relationship between turbulent intensity of particles and those of the carrier fluid was studied theoretically based on simplified particle motion equation.
Analysis of bubble motion in the flow field was used to develop relations for the viscous stresses, turbulent stresses, and interfacial momentum exchange to close the model.
The influences of wall on the frequency response of the bubble and the turbulent intensity of the bubble motion have been analyzed through frequency spectrum analysis method.
The turbulent diffusivity is unfavourable to ascending motion.
The numerical simulation for furnace gas flow and coal powder particle motion under various conditions of reverse secondary air is carried out based on turbulent flow and multiphase flow theories.
How to deal with the turbulent convection motion in stars is a very important problem in the theory of stellar structure and evolution.
The general equations of motion, mass conservation, continuity and energy are DE - rived for the aerated turbulent water flow.
Analysis of bubble motion in the flow field was used to develop relations for the viscous stresses, turbulent stresses, and interfacial momentum exchange to close...
Analysis of bubble motion in the flow field was used to develop relations for the viscous stresses, turbulent stresses, and interfacial momentum exchange to close...