Turkey meat is an excellent source for tryptophan.
Last year, the United States produced 247 million turkeys or 7.149 billion pounds of Turkey meat.
So far, they have had some success creating cookies, cake and 'designer domes' made of turkey meat。
The experimental Turkey meat, combined with the drugs, causes Herschell to go into convulsions.
The Turkey meat is sliced in front of you so you know it's quality, fresh meat-a good source of protein.
Turkey meat can also be cut into small pieces and added to vegetables and liquid to make soups and stews .
But one to two slices of Turkey meat with wheat bread in the evening will be able to help making your sleep more comfortable at night.
Peppery dog soup is an effective hangover cure, and fried dog, in flavour and texture, is somewhere between beef and brown turkey meat.
The characteristics of phase distributions during freeze drying of turkey meat samples frozen at different freezing rates were investigated.
A new analysis of ground Turkey meat conducted by scientists at Consumer Reports, finds that more than half of the samples tested harbored bacteria that are associated with fecal contamination.
Not all high protein foods are created equally, though — nutritionists recommend low-fat dairy products, beans, fish and lean cuts of meat, such as skinless chicken and Turkey breasts.
True, the traditional turkey is still the meat of choice, yet goose, duck, ham, even some of the sea's harvests can be used.
rule of thumb for thawing a frozen turkey in the refrigerator is to allow a day for every five pounds of meat.
Eat vegetarian as much as possible without giving up meat entirely. Learn to enjoy vegetarian food before you quit meat cold Turkey (no pun intended).
没有完全放弃肉食时尽量食用素食在拒食肉类冷火鸡(无意使用双关,cold turkey还有停止坏习惯的意思)前学着享用素食食品。
Of course, you can always add Tofurkey (turkey-flavored tofu) or another meat substitute for the non-carnivores and turkey-pardoners of the group.
'Maybe that explains why many meat-reducers are keen to call themselves vegetarians when even they must know that vegetarians don't eat chicken, Turkey or fish!
Enjoy it with Turkey, duck or red meat.
We also produce and sell Turkey parts, in fresh or frozen form, as well as breaded products and meat for cooking.
Thanks. I'll get you some Turkey. Would you like dark meat or white meat?
B: Pass your plate down to Chuck, Tina. He'll put meat on it. He always carves the Turkey.
Rachel: Pass your plate down to Chuck, Tina. He'll put meat on it. He always carves the Turkey.
I got my son to eat cauliflower by telling him it was "white broccoli" and I can get him to try just about any light colored meat if I tell him it's chicken or turkey.
For meat dishes, look for leaner cuts, such as skinless chicken breasts, Turkey burgers, pork loin and beef sirloin.
We are a chicken meat producing and exporting company that has been established in Izmir Turkey.
I'm not saying you should become a vegetarian (though I recommend it), but red meat is high in saturated fat. If you want to eat meat, eat fish and boneless skinless chicken breast and Turkey breast.
He'll put meat on it. He always carves the Turkey.
The meat aisle is no safer. a pound of ground turkey can really ruffle a dieter's feathers, sometimes containing more fat grams than a pound of ground beef.
At first we thought the meat was beef, but after we began eating, the teacher accompanying us explained that it was Turkey.
At first we thought the meat was beef, but after we began eating, the teacher accompanying us explained that it was Turkey.