Whether the turn-on time of the same arm thyristors was uniform or not, the turn-off time was always identical.
So, how to improve the tradeoff relationship between turn-off time and forward voltage is a key problem in power devices.
Having much less turn-off time, eliminating the current over-shot and improving the turn-off consistency, the proposed snubber is suitable as the load energy snubber of TEM transmitter.
It's late in the evening: time to close the book and turn off the computer.
Our wedding day will be two quite busy people, taking time off work, getting to turn around and say 'I love you' in front of all their friends.
Every date seemed promising at the start, but almost every time we got closer, I would say something stupid to ruin it and turn her off.
You can turn Settings on and off for certain applications, by location, time of day, and pretty much any other condition you can think of.
Television can stand in the way of relationships, life and more. Turn off your TV and spend more time living and exercising your mind and body.
Watch them together with the sound off, so you can get information and a turn-on at the same time.
These switches turn on and off all the time, controlling how our cells work and how we respond to our environments.
Through this parameter, you can turn off the logging by all the stored procedure at run time.
During that period of time, developers need to turn on and off logging in different areas of the application.
The time to turn off technology?
Turn off all other real time revenue reporting tools.
You may not be able to turn off your inner hot-or-not meter, but you can spend less time fretting in the mirror and more time engaging with the world.
By knowing just what to say and do at just the right time to take the edge off or turn a tough situation around.
As reassuring as that GPS voice can be, you may want to turn it off next time you're trying to find your way.
Turn off any unused processes or daemons, such as mail servers, streaming servers, gaming servers or any other unnecessary processes, that are hogging precious CPU time and RAM.
The time to turn off technology? Give yourself a half hour before bed.
Now. Turn off the TV. Spend some time with the person you've known the longest (yes, you).
You can set the timer to turn the audio off after whatever amount of time suits you, and you can make it fade out quietly.
The Fed, this argument goes, just won't be able to act quickly enough to turn off the spigot when the time comes to do so.
So save time, learn something new, try something different, build your relationships, and for your own sake, turn off the TV.
A second answer involves willpower. Ration your intake. Turn off your mobile phone and Internet from time to time.
It may seem obvious that employees should show up on time, limit lunchtime to an hour and turn off cellphones during meetings. But those basics aren't necessarily apparent to many millennials.
On a track, run quickly for about 15 seconds every time you start a straightaway, then ease off and jog the rest of the straightaway and the turn before beginning another 15-second stride.
Turn off your mobile phone and Internet from time to time.
Turn off any features you are not in fact using. If you are storing fields but not using them at query time, don't store them.
Berman advised, "make a point to make time for one another, turn off the TV, the BlackBerry.".. turn off your computer, have face-to-face time with each other.
Berman advised, "make a point to make time for one another, turn off the TV, the BlackBerry.".. turn off your computer, have face-to-face time with each other.