The answer: wells that drill vertically down to the shale bed, then make a gradual 90-degree horizontal turn through the shale deposit.
After her children go to bed, the mother turn the upside-down house back to normal.
Turn down the thermostat a few degrees before you climb into bed, experts advise.
The sight of the knife startled them, and caused them to turn aside and quickly disappear down the bed of the stream, leaving me to regret the hostile appearance I must have presented.
Picasso and the poet Max jacob , down but not quite out in Paris, shared a bed in turn.
The turn-over cap not only protects the privacy of the patient but also guards against the splashing down of the excrement, so as to keep the sanitation of the hospital bed.
翻盖翻起内面所形成的便溺遮挡空间不仅可以保 护病人隐私,而且能够防止排泄物的溅落,有利于病床卫生的保持。
I will go to bed, would you turn down the TV?
See that they sweep UNDER the beds, and put clean sheets and pillow-cases on, and turn down one corner of the bed-clothes, just as you know it ought to be done;
He hurriedly sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out to turn her head back. "I've been gone too long. Please forgive me. Hey, don't be angry."
He hurriedly sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out to turn her head back. "I've been gone too long. Please forgive me. Hey, don't be angry."