That in part reflects the surge in capital flooding into the region as investors turn their backs on the uncertainties of developed countries to lock in gains from fast-growing Asia.
They say the brown clouds have most likely contributed to the increase in air temperature in the region, which in turn is in part responsible for the observed melting and receding of glaciers.
In turn, Pakistan is deeply suspicious of America's plans for India to play a central role in the region.
Now, let's turn our eyes back to the Asia Pacific and take a look at the building of security architecture in our own region.
Most possibly, instead of warm-water carbonates, the invasion of cool climate might lead the accumulation of temperate carbonates in the region around the turn.
The increase in imports from China has come as inflation in the region has been reduced, which in turn has helped usher in an era of lower interest rates.
A large area of desert was reformed to turn to fertile soil in the northwest region.
The background and significance of subject selection Strategy for the grand-scale development of China's western region is an important decision made by China's government in the turn of new century.
Celebrating turn-of-the-century life, the museum recreates a typical village from the Wallachia region in the hilly forests and pastures of the Czech Republic's far eastern corner.
Celebrating turn-of-the-century life, the museum recreates a typical village from the Wallachia region in the hilly forests and pastures of the Czech Republic's far eastern corner.