But that goal would itself involve a more expensive capital structure in the form of a layer of debt that can turn into equity in an emergency; it is in any case a long way from being reached.
We commit to giving women access to capital so women entrepreneurs can turn their ideas into the small and medium enterprises that are the source of so much growth and job creation.
But the recession is already undoing some of the rise in inequality as the capital gains, bonuses and Wall Street profits that fuelled much of the gains in top incomes turn to dust.
If the IMF's loss predictions turn out to be accurate, there is still too little capital in the system. But most think that the chance of another Lehman-style blow-up has been greatly reduced.
Stores didn't want to turn away lower-income customers, though - hence layaway. It allowed them to impulse shop and take advantage of sales, but it also protected the store's capital.
That in part reflects the surge in capital flooding into the region as investors turn their backs on the uncertainties of developed countries to lock in gains from fast-growing Asia.
But town planners, zealously trying to turn the capital into a modern, efficient and cosmopolitan city, have consigned most of them to history.
These losses could in turn leave Banks short of capital - making it difficult for them to lend - and could leave the Greek Banks insolvent.
The dollar's weakness over the spring and summer helped stem the outflow of capital from China that had threatened to unmoor the yuan and so unsettled global financial markets at the turn of the year.
Now that Shanghai Pride is over, perhaps we here in the gray Capital in the north should start thinking how we can turn all this gray to pink for a week of queer celebration.
If we want to turn the advantage of cultural resource into the advantage of cultural capital, we need to explore deeply, configure scientifically and transform appropriately the cultural differences.
Above all, it would shift pharmaceuticals companies away from the industry's source of value and turn them into capital-intensive developers and distributors of others' intellectual property.
The laborer's individual level of manpower capital in turn determines his alternative opportunity in employment market.
In fact, it is the internationalized short-term market of capital debit and credit, in which currency turn into capital without the restriction of national laws and fulfilled internationalization.
The stock market is a factor market full of uncertainty where the rapid flow of information and capital leads to frequent price changes which in turn results in market fluctuation.
In turn, this article analyses the cause of small contribution rate and put forward the proposal to reestablish the "accumulating circle" mechanism of the human capital forming in countryside.
The establishment of the regional competent ability in the undeveloped regions should turn the natural resource into capital based on the comparative advantage.
Agriculture-stock raising production model is composed of capital, effective labor and land productivity, and the elastic coefficients descend in turn.
The rich free cash flow that Vodafone generates may not last if prices keep falling and the company has to turn on the capital-spending tap or buy Vodafone out of difficulty.
Noises and acclaims behind resound deafeningly under the sanctuary dome amid the misty clouds of the capital like the happy wedding bell at the turn of the century.
This in turn will slow their imports of consumer and capital goods and commodities as well as imports of intermediate goods meant for re-export.
Quality and accuracy of the SAP data impacts the integrity (accuracy) of the reports which in turn can affect the decision-making process or correct capital spending strategy.
And its not just here in the nation's Capital – but its wonderful to see so many thousands turn out here in this great community of Canberra today.
And its not just here in the nation's Capital – but its wonderful to see so many thousands turn out here in this great community of Canberra today.