So think of it this way; turning off your lights Saturday night is all well and good - but remember that the work really starts when you turn them back on.
This means that you can combine model elements of a given type into units that, in turn, you can use as the building blocks to be combined in the same way at the next level of abstraction, and so on.
You turn at this corridor and half way down that hall you see a door labeled "Quiet Room".
In the past when we learnt how to ask the way, the answer always tended to be: Go along this road and turn left in the second turning, or so. But in real life, it is not that simple.
我们以前问路的回答都是一直走,走到第几个路口向左拐或者向右拐,然而在现实生活中, 答案根本没有这么简单, 往往是九转十八弯.
Then, suddenly, the Baal Shem Tov sees before him 'a flaming sword, turning this way and that,' and decides to turn back.
I look at the newspaper and turn it this way and that on the table. Then I skid it close and read what it says.
How are you going to turn back women, children and the wounded. This is something that we just can't do. It's not the Jordanian way.
This will go a long way toward universal access to diagnosis and treatment, and that, in turn, will help rid the world of one of the biggest infectious killers facing humankind.
In this way, the radius and time required to complete a turn will be less than that at high speed.
He had this extraordinary ability: he was both an inspiring person and he understood the way to turn people on to science was practical work, and he did that excellently.
Again, I reconciled this in a positive way by forgiving him and praying that better sense prevails in his mind so that he will turn a good leaf one day.
They were able to explore which knob Settings make sense and how they reacted when you turn something this way or that way.
They were able to explore which knob Settings make sense and how they reacted when you turn something this way or that way.