We drive the turnpike to work.
A lot of motels lie beside the turnpike.
You have to pay a toll to drive on a turnpike.
I was on the Maine Turnpike when you beeped me.
We're on the turnpike. just two miles from downtown.
Can't you just stick it on the turnpike and give it money for tolls?
Similar results were achieved in Finland and on the New Jersey Turnpike.
She reached a turnpike-gate which stood upon the highway to the village.
At a Pennsylvania Turnpike rest stop, we tossed a football in the parking lot.
We had to take a circuitous route because of an accident on the turnpike.
One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike because of an auto accident.
Not far. We're on the turnpike, just two miles from downtown. See you this weekend - at Stamford Auto.
The governor says he's taking legal action to remove the head of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority.
Avoid bypaths; the turnpike leading to accomplishment usually runs straight; it's safer, and free from landslides.
Stories were afloat of a mysterious figure being occasionally seen in some old overgrown track way or other, remote from turnpike roads…
大家纷纷传说离开康庄大道很远的地方某处簇叶丛生的林中小径上,偶尔有人见到一个神秘的人影… 收藏。
Melissa lived in a trailer park, miles from my campus, in one of a dozen turquoise units wedged between a bowling alley and the turnpike.
梅丽莎住在拖车场,离我的校园有几英里,就在许多蓝绿色的房间中夹在保龄球场和 收费公路之间的那一间。
They chartered and often subscribed to railroads and turnpike companies, which attempted to pave the country's muddy system of rural highways.
Ask my husband, who endured an icy drive on the New Jersey Turnpike in January because I needed to hang my sweaty head out the window most of the way.
Here's an example that I used at the symposium: Everybody who drives the New Jersey Turnpike regularly knows that you'll hit a traffic jam at Exits 8 and 7.
It waits until it reaches a downtown intersection in the middle of the rush hour, or until it is fully loaded with family and luggage on the 4 Ohio 5 Turnpike.
When the price vector doesn t change along the idea changeable turnpike, we gives out the sufficent and neceseary condition about the price vector relative stability.
由分析可知,当价格向量沿理想变化路变化时,价格向量最稳定; 当价格向量沿非理想变化路变化时,给出了价格向量相对稳定的充要条件。
A consortium led by Abertis, a Spanish infrastructure company, pulled its $12.8 billion proposal to take over the running of Pennsylvania’s turnpike, the state’s main toll road.
Well, I will tell you now on the story at the Broward County, Florida, near Davie, where the Turnpike has been closed in both directions because of a traffic related shooting.
Your MCM submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet, a 1-2 page letter to the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, and your solution (not to exceed 20 pages) for a maximum of 23 pages.
Your MCM submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet, a 1-2 page letter to the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, and your solution (not to exceed 20 pages) for a maximum of 23 pages.
您的MCM提交应包括1页摘要表,1 - 2页给新泽西州收费公路管理局的信件,以及您的解决方案(不超过20页),最多23页。
She asked the turnpike-keeper if she might deposit her things at his house for a while, and, on his offering no objection, she dismissed her carriage, and went on to the village alone by a back lane.
She asked the turnpike-keeper if she might deposit her things at his house for a while, and, on his offering no objection, she dismissed her carriage , and went on to the village alone by a back lane.
She asked the turnpike-keeper if she might deposit her things at his house for a while, and, on his offering no objection, she dismissed her carriage , and went on to the village alone by a back lane.