The Republic, like the Greek polis, was a kind of tutelary association.
The tutelary gods of Mazu and Wind - accompanying Ear are enshrined and worshiped in the temple gate.
This tutelary theory is a pure mathematical fiction. From the start it has been founded on a formidable abstraction.
In China, lion is a symbol of power, magnificent, and loyal guardian. stone lions outside temples are usually treated as a tutelary god.
In the institutes of Manu the Loka palas are represented as standing in close relation to the ruling king, who is saki to be composed of particles of these his tutelary deities.
These underground structures rest on the more pronounced peaks and give continuity to the indigenous tradition of using the tutelary hills as observatories and essential references.
These underground structures rest on the more pronounced peaks and give continuity to the indigenous tradition of using the tutelary hills as observatories and essential references.