So gentlemen, go rent your tuxedos.
Men must wear tuxedos and put on black bow ties.
Tuxedos made of snow Is there something I should know?
I hooked Ross and Chandler up with tuxedos. Do you need one?
The two men wore suit jackets, but not tuxedos or even ties.
Most customers are men aged 20-40 looking for wedding tuxedos.
The library was full of English newspapers, and the waiters wore tuxedos.
Men spun across the floor with other men, often dressed in identical black tuxedos.
Well, we need to pick out the flowers and the music, and we have to decide on the tuxedos.
Yet his awkwardness is soon forgotten when we begin our five-22 course dinner, served by waiters wearing 23 tuxedos.
[but at the Oscars,] they're in gowns and jewels, yes, they're in tuxedos, but the moments are all real, they're not manufactured.
Typically the men are dazzling in their full-length gowns of taffeta or silk, while their wives sport fake mustaches and Armani tuxedos.
There was also a smattering of formalwear that included a striking purple velvet smoking jacket to complement the more-conventional tuxedos.
The color black is associated with sophistication and power - tuxedos, limousines, judge's robes, and priests' attire are all typically black.
The color black is associated with sophistication and power - tuxedos, limousines, judge's robes, and priests' attire are all typically black.
One of the popular products is an elegant office suit, including classic tuxedos for men and dresses for women for different special occasions.
Men spun across the floor with other men, often dressed in identical black tuxedos. One follower wore a flowing pink scarf that trailed behind him on the dance floor.
Most jobs, when boiled down to their basics, do not sound like much. One person rents tuxedos, another fixes pipes, another cleans office buildings, and another sells shoes.
Despite that, they lose nearly half their weight while waiting for their new tuxedos and must go out to sea for a solid six weeks of feeding to recover once the plumage comes in.
The report suggests that retailers could begin to lease clothes for a season just as wedding stores rent 19 tuxedos or buy back old clothes from customers at a discount, for recycling.
All those treasured memories, playing on loop on a glowing screen in the corner of the kitchen, so Dad can enjoy a sequence of bad haircuts and worse tuxedos while he chops vegetables.
That means a new reason for Britons to worry about the dilution of their culture, a new burden on parents' pocketbooks, and new businesses selling prom essentials such as tuxedos and corsages.
That means a new reason for Britons to worry about the dilution of their culture, a new burden on parents' pocketbooks, and new businesses selling prom essentials such as tuxedos and corsages.