We went for a walk along the beach at twilight.
After supper, there was still a long clear twilight to work in and that was her quiet time.
When the cave door was unlocked, a sorrowful sight presented itself in the dim twilight of the place.
The twilight had turned to a deep blackness.
In short, the Renaissance was not, socially speaking, the dawn of a new day, but its twilight.
Earlier this month, Venus and Mercury climbed into the western twilight, entertaining skygazers around planet Earth in a lovely conjunction of evening stars.
It's not unkind to suggest that nearly every overseas signing who had played in the U.S. did so for a healthy payday at the twilight of his career.
A few days later, at twilight, the same boy appeared again, picking up the trail along the Tigris.
How beautiful the long mild twilight, which, like a silver clasp, unites today with yesterday!
The remaining rodents were also exposed to a cycle, but the dark was replaced with a dim glow equivalent to the twilight at the first flickers of dawn.
It is known as the Ombra Della Sera, or shadow of the Night, presumably because it looks like the long shadow cast by a person at twilight.
Then again, if he had done that, we would have been deprived of one of the great villains, who announced his rebirth by ordering the death of Him From Twilight and went on to terrorise a nation.
The star is in its twilight years, having become a red giant.
The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it.
They lived in a stateless twilight zone.
Whether your web browser has a photo of a dolphin, a girl in a swimsuit, or one of the Twilight characters, it's not going to improve your life. It's just a distraction.
The glow of the sunset combined with the wan twilight in a way which seemed to give the approaching evening a specially wonderful attractiveness for me.
Robert Pattinson, the British actor who plays a vampire with superhuman strength and speed in the Twilight series of films, has admitted he looks like a transvestitein the role.
在《暮光之城》系列电影中饰演具有超人力量和速度的吸血鬼的英国男演员罗伯特 帕丁森日前坦称自己在剧中看起来像个异装癖。
So are the Castro brothers, in the twilight of their lives, preparing to lead Cuba towards a mixed economy, similar to that of China?
Below Jupiter, Mars is relatively faint and struggles the most to shine through a thin cloud bank and the warming twilight glow.
Delta's situation may be unique, and largesse may also come more easily at the twilight of a well-paid career, but Mr Grinstein says that there is a systemic problem with bosses' pay.
For some people, the onset of British Summer Time, with early dawns and longer twilight, brings with it a host of problems.
Like a vignette from the Twilight Zone, new research shows that you'll age slightly faster standing on a staircase than you do on the floor below.
He'd had some success in television, working on a new version of "the Twilight Zone" and on the fantasy series "Beauty and the Beast."
LOS ANGELES — The Twilight story originally came to writer Stephenie Meyer in a dream.
So, despite the celebration by environmentalists over Thursday's announcement, it meant little to Frankie Mooney, 61, a resident of Twilight, W.Va.
It is a sad twilight for the monarch.
It is a sad twilight for the monarch.