When they say that two become one?
When two become one, we become breath in motion together.
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and the two become one flesh.
However, the one of "Two become one" is different from any part of the original one and means reconciliation, qualitative change and new, expressed by communion, harmony and perfection.
What people must remember is that one hive quickly becomes two, two become four and four become eight.
Face-to-face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society.
What people must remember is that one hive quickly become two, two become four and four become eight.
Two-thirds believe cosmetic surgery will have become common place and one in six think we will look after own own health using apps and gadgets rather than relying on the doctor.
The supernova could provide the biggest light show since Earth was formed, and will be so bright that night will become like day for one or two weeks, experts said.
Can Cisco offer something that is really different and become number one or two in this market?
Because for a private citizen to become a prince presupposes virtue or Fortune, it appears that either the one or the other of these two things should partially mitigate many of the problems.
Anderson, for example, whose failure to score in two years at the club, spanning 73 performances, has become a standing joke among the fans, but not one that amuses his manager.
China and Thailand are sincere friends and "China and Thailand being the members of one family" has become the common aspirations of the two peoples.
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.
Between constellations Leo and Virgo, two galaxies slowly become one.
"We have become two countries: a high-tech one with few children and very high incomes, and a poor one with lots of kids," he says.
The weeklong National Day Holiday, one of the two longest holidays in China, has become the most popular time for weddings.
That's their first argument: people become embroiled in theory when they make one of those two mistakes.
If such a query (or a more complex one) were to be repeated a few hundred (or thousand) times, the difference between the two approaches would start to become quite drastic.
Technology has become vastly more capable of creating two cars in one.
In a sign that Banks have become less wary of lending to one another, the London interbank offered rate, a benchmark interest rate for many dollar loans, has fallen sharply over the past two weeks.
The two quickly become one during short, sketchlike scenes, some without synchronized sound, that are meant to suggest a deepening of feeling.
Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly become popular, Alpine village tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains.
Before matches, two containers of food were placed in the eight-legged creature's tank, each one bearing the flag of one of the teams about to compete for their chance to become world champions.
Before matches, two containers of food were placed in the eight-legged creature's tank, each one bearing the flag of one of the teams about to compete for their chance to become world champions.