But we can say safely that there are about two dozen of them.
But Karaoke is so popular in Asia that I've been dragged to at least two dozen of them so far.
He had two dozen oysters and enjoyed every one of them.
Nowadays, a film needs superstars as long as there are half a dozen of them together, whereas if it has just one or two main roles, then actors who aren't so well known are fine.
Jobs walked up to the wall of the conference room where Apple's roughly two dozen current products were on display and began taking them down, one at a time.
True, in one sense, but Anand has provided about two dozen possible enhancements, and particular users might want some of them, but not others.
Our price for two dozen pairs of plastic shower curtains with matching drapes would be $45. Shall we hold them for your order?
两打与窗帘图案配套的塑料雨布的报价是45美元,需不需要我们给你们备货? %。
Our price for two dozen pairs of plastic shower curtains with matching drapes would be $45. Shall we hold them for your order?
两打与窗帘图案配套的塑料雨布的报价是45美元,需不需要我们给你们备货? %。