The two groups of children have quite different characteristics.
It should be noted that the two groups of children had been carefully matched by the investigators so that they were comparable in age, ethnicity, race, and social class.
Observe the clinical treatment of two groups of children with adverse reactions.
Recently, for example, psychologists at Yale University showed a cartoon to two groups of children.
Mueller and Dweck, 1998. We gave two groups of children problems from an IQ test, and we praised them.
In one study, the researchers conducted DNA analysis on dust samples taken from mattresses of the two groups of children.
Methods To observe changes of biological indexes of two groups of children whose family use coal-biomass briquette and raw coal respectively.
The results show that Chinese phonological awareness of two groups of children with special needs is significantly lower than that of normal children.
The ferrum and copper level of hair and ending capillary were determined by XRF on the two groups of children with anemia and compared with normal level.
This time, they recruited two groups of children typical of those living in the area, aged three and between eight and nine, from nurseries and schools in Southampton.
这一次,他们召集了居住在这一地区的普通孩子,将他们分为两组: 一组年龄在3 岁,另一组则在8岁到9岁之间,他们分别来自怀特岛的托儿所和学校。
Results clinical symptoms and signs of two groups of children are improved, and the therapeutic effect of the observation group is obviously better than control group (P<0.05).
The IQ of the children in the two musical groups rose by an average of seven points in the course of a year.
Porritt, who has two children, intends to persuade environmental pressure groups to make population a focus of campaigning.
In a separate experiment, 140 of the children were divided into two groups.
Methods: 123 children sepsis were divided into two groups randomly, 63 cases of observation group and 60 cases of control group.
Professor Aldridge said the study also found there were two sub groups within the group of autistic children.
The level of evidence found ranged from moderate, when comparing the two groups for the number of children who had one or more exacerbations, to very low when comparing the number of exacerbations.
The gross motor function of all children in two groups was assessed with Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) before and after treatment.
Methods120 children with acute bronchitis were randomly divided into two groups, 60 in each, treated with acupoint application on the basis of general western medicine.
Methods: 68 cases of central coordination disorder children were randomly divided into two groups.
Anlaite had carried out researches of the comparison of egocentrism of disabled children and normal children and found significant differences existing among two groups.
To evaluate the efficacy of interferon inhalation by PARI inhaler boy with bronchiolitis, 110 children were randomly divided into two groups.
目的:探讨干扰素驱动雾化吸入治疗毛细支气管炎的疗效。 方法:毛细支气管炎患儿110例,均给予抗感染、氧疗、对症等综合治疗。
Results:Children's effective rate of 86.0% in the control group, children in the experimental group 96.0 percent efficiency, compared the two groups, P <0.05, a statistically significant difference.
结果:对照组患儿的有效率为86.0%,实验组患儿的有效率96.0%,两组相比,P<0.05,差异具有统计学作用。 结论:支气管肺炎患儿采用以家庭为中心的护理模式的护理效果非常显著,可以很好的提高患儿的恢复速度。
Methods:62 burn children were divided randomly into 2 groups. 30 cases in MEBT group and 32 cases in SD-Ag group. The efficacy of the two groups was compared.
方法:随机选择62例患儿分两组进行分析比较,即:30例采用烧伤湿性医疗技术治疗者作为治疗组(A组) ,32例采用传统烧伤“干燥疗法”治疗者为对照组(B组) ,观察两组治疗效果。
The symptomatic therapy of the days of the fever, cough, moisture and wheeze were separately measured and monitored the clinical symptom of the change of two groups of the children.
Methods: 96 preterm children (gestational age 30 to 35 weeks) were randomly divided into two groups and the control group of 48 cases.
方法:将96例早产儿(胎龄30 ~35周)随机分为观察组和对照组各48例。
Methods: 96 preterm children (gestational age 30 to 35 weeks) were randomly divided into two groups and the control group of 48 cases.
方法:将96例早产儿(胎龄30 ~35周)随机分为观察组和对照组各48例。