These flows are transactional, using mechanisms such as two-phase commit, so that the entire flow can be rolled back in the case of a failure, or committed in the case of success.
This is particularly true when transactions are widely distributed to business partner systems that may or may not be capable of participating in a standard, two-phase commit transaction.
The protocol the databases use to keep data (such as Waldo's balances) coordinated is called two phase commit, or simply 2pc.
Transactional support specifies whether the invocation is transactional and, if so, the type of transaction (Atomic (two phase commit) versus Business transaction, or otherwise).
In the first phase (or Stage 1) of the two-phase commit process.
Two-phase commit ensures that a distributed transaction can always be committed or always rolled back, even if parts of the system crash while the transaction is being committed.
Two-phase commit gives the transaction manager power to ensure that all resources that participate in a transaction commit or rollback together.
The two-phase commit resources are then committed or rolled back depending on the response from the one-phase commit resource.
The two-phase commit resources are rolled back, but the outcome of the one-phase commit resource is unknown; it could have committed or rolled back.
It USES the two-phase commit protocol to guarantee the All-or-Nothing semantics that either all the resources commit the change permanently or none of them precede the update (rollback).
它利用两阶段提交协议来保证全部或全不(All - or - Nothing)语义,即要么所有的资源都永久的提交变更,要么在更新(回滚)之前一个都不提交。
One of the classic long-running Internet development debates has been the question of whether or not you need two-phase commit style transactions for the Web.
The second argument in method commit() distinguishes between a One-Phase or Two-Phase-Commit operation.
The second argument in method commit() distinguishes between a One-Phase or Two-Phase-Commit operation.