Surface is a kind of space can be defined three-dimensional formation, surface or plane space is the two forms of the line body.
The east wood wall plane of the main space folds onto two concrete walls to form the main roof plane.
Building two space structures, by analysis the result of plane model and space model, we get new cognition about it.
Based on the space theory, it analyzed the two main component contents of the modern competitive Wushu routine technique, i. e. plane technique and three-dimensional technique.
Phase functions for fibrous layer are obtained for two types of fiber orientation:randomly oriented in space and randomly oriented in a plane parallel to the boundary surfaces of the layer.
The paper introduces two algorithms for transferring the GPS result to local grid frame, namely the plane transform model and the space transform model.
In the aspect of creating image space, the emphasis of this paper lies in the analysis of two major media for imaging: the lightening plane medium and the diffusing helix medium.
To study the intersection visibility of two general place planes, this paper set the planes as two faces of front and backs from the point of projection character of a space plane.
The double-valued problem can be simplified by introducing an appropriate affine parameter, namely, mapping the two Riemann sheets on the plane of the spectral parameter to the affine parameter space.
后来发现可以通过引入仿射参数而避开双值性,实质上是将两叶黎曼面分别映射到 仿射参数空间。
If you understand how to split line (in 3d space) into two using a plane, you can implement raytracing or clipping easily.
The shape of a plane is formed by two-dimensional space.
The shape of a plane is formed by two-dimensional space.